Ketogenic diet
Dedicated to people who want to lose weight quickly.
Based on animal and vegetable fats and dairy products. There is no shortage of meat, eggs, greasy fish, vegetables and some fruits in the menu.
The diet is composed by experienced dieticians. The high proportion of fats makes the portions of meals smaller in volume, while providing a feeling of satiety and eliminating the desire to snack.
Depending on the caloric content of the diet, the set consists of 4 or 5 meals.
rich in fats
planned by a dietician

Ketogenic diet – dietary catering
A diet for people who want to lose weight quickly, fight problems with controlling hunger, or stop eating sweets. Due to the unusual composition of the menu, it can work for people looking for new taste sensations. Cyclical use of the ketogenic diet will also be used in physically active and strength-training people.
The assumptions of the ketogenic diet are a high supply of fats with significant reduction of carbohydrates. In the keto diet you will find, among others, various types of meat, eggs, fish, oils, seeds and nuts. The main sources of carbohydrates such as cereal products, legumes and most fruits are excluded.
Ketogenic box diet – what is it?
Ketogenic diet beats popularity records. All this because it allows you to effectively get rid of unnecessary kilograms in a relatively short time, and at the same time it is very tasty. Its menu is mainly based on fats and protein. The keto diet eliminates most sources of carbohydrates, i.e. groats, rice, potatoes, pasta, bread and some fruits.
The ketogenic diet is recommended for physically active people and those who want to lose weight quickly. However, it is important to use it cyclically and contact your doctor before starting a keto diet.
You can read more about the ketogenic diet on our blog.
Prohibited products in the keto diet
What not to eat on a ketogenic diet? All sweets are forbidden in the keto diet. Bars, sweetened ice cream, jams, carbonated drinks, and even potatoes and legumes must permanently disappear from your menu if you plan to switch to a keto diet. It is also worth remembering that fruit also contains sugar, so it is not recommended to eat grapes, oranges or dried fruit. In the ketogenic diet you will also not find popular sources of carbohydrates, such as rice, groats, pasta, breakfast cereals and bread. Honey, maple syrup and any products containing sugar should also be avoided.
What do you find in a ketogenic boxed diet?
The ketogenic box diet is first of all a wealth of flavors! In addition to animal products such as meat, eggs or dairy, you will also find plenty of sources of vegetable fats. The keto meals are full of nuts, top quality olive oil, avocado, seeds, chia seeds and coconut milk. Of course, you will also find meat and oily fish, as well as dairy products, such as grain cheese, curd or various types of cheeses.
Due to the diversity, attractiveness, richness of ingredients and taste of the ketogenic diet, nutritional values vary from day to day. Your whole-day keto diet will be rich in fats (65-80%), high-value protein (15-30%), and we also make sure that it contains very little carbohydrate (up to 10%).
Meals in the ketogenic diet are lower in volume due to the high calorific value of the ingredients. However, you can count on a feeling of satiety that will ensure a high supply of fat and protein. If you do not know what calorific value of keto diet will be right for you, contact our dietitian!