Dedicated to people eliminating dairy and eggs from the diet. Meals are composed of vegetables, cereal products, lean meat, fish, plant-based alternatives for dairy and fruit.
Dairy-free diet alleviates the symptoms of food intolerances, has a positive effect on hormonal management and skin condition.
without dairy products and eggs
plant-based alternatives to dairy products
planned by a dietician

Dairy-free diet - dietary catering
Dairy-free diet is a menu dedicated to people with dairy or lactose intolerance.If you have an allergy to eggs or milk proteins –a dairy-free diet is for you! You will find lean meat and fish, plant counterparts of traditional dairy products, vegetables, fruits and whole-grain bread, rice, various types of groats. Thanks to our experience, we are able to compose a variety of dairy-free diet menus based on products from around the world!
Dairy-free diet is available in six calories: 1000, 1200, 1500, 1800, 2000, 2200 and 2500 kcal, and each set consists of five meals. The box diet without dairy is delivered to the indicated address from Monday to Saturday. On Saturday you will receive two sets for the whole weekend. Using our diet, you no longer have to worry about shopping or preparing meals.
Box diet without dairy – which calorific value to choose?
The box diet without dairy is arranged by experienced dieticians who ensure that meals are properly balanced.Therefore, you do not have to worry about nutritional deficiencies, even when using a low-calorie diet. Dietitians will be happy to help you choose the right diet without dairy, and you can use their services free of charge both before placing an order and during the use of the diet.
The specialist will calculate your caloric demand, taking into account your height, weight, gender and lifestyle. Then, it will ask about the purpose of using a boxed diet without dairy and will indicate the appropriate calorific value, adapted to the goal you want to achieve.
How to order a dairy-free diet?
You can order a box diet without dairy via our online store. All you have to do is choose a diet, its calorific value, indicate the address and delivery dates. Orders are also accepted by phone – you can place them during dietary consultations.
When using our services, you can freely change the address and delivery dates, as well as the type and calorific value of your diet. Any modifications should be reported by 10 AM on the working day prior to the delivery of the box diet without dairy. We look forward to your order!