Choose from up to 25 dishes for each day!
Healthy and tasty meals for those who like to have a choice. A different menu every day!

Diet Catering Gorzów Wielkopolski
Every day providers will deliver to your door box diet, made up of five balanced meals. The special packaging will allow you to keep your food hygienically and to warm up the next day with a microwave. With modern packaging, meals will remain fresh for the required period of time. With our company you can also count on flexible delivery times that will meet your requirements.
Check also Choose a box diet perfect for you:
Box Diet in Gorzów Wielkopolski
Diet with delivery in Gorzów Wielkopolski? It is easy with us. Every day we deliver 4 or 5 balanced meals straight to your door. This way you can eat healthically and regularly. Throughout the whole duration of the order you are under the constant care of a dietician. It will help you to choose the type and calorific value of your diet. Our dietitian will also give you the necessary advice.
Apart from Gorzów Wielkopolski we deliver diet to such locations as Jeże and Wawrów.
Diet catering supports weight loss
Diet catering supports weight loss
Our diet will help you lose weight. Meals are light, low in calories and very tasty. We do not add preservatives and artificial flavorings and colours to the dishes. The dishes are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and other essential nutrients. We are inspired by the world of tastes, so the menu includes dishes of Indian, Arabic, Chinese, Asian and European cuisines.
Box diet types
We currently offer 15 types of diets (including specialty diets) in different calorific values from 1000 kcal to 4000 kcal. Thanks to such a rich offer of our services it can be used by people who want to reduce weight, gain weight, improve health and wellbeing. We also take care to ensure a proper diet for people with food intolerance.
Safe Diet with HACCP certificate
Wygodna dieta has been on the market since 2007. Many years of experience confirms the high quality of our service. We also regularly certify the food safety management system HACCP and the appropriate operation of the HACCP is ensured by an external auditor Dekra Certification Sp. z o.o.
In our kitchen we have specialised zones for storage, pre-treatment, raw material processing, heat treatment and food packaging. We prepare the ingredients for the dishes in many specialised rooms, what guarantees provention of the so-called cross-infections. We pack dishes with the use of
modern packaging system which guarantees the freshness and hygiene.
Perfect diet catering? The one that suits you. Choose a box diet that is perfect for you.

Delivery area - Gorzów Wielkopolski and surrounding areas
- Chróścik,
- Górczyn,
- Janice,
- Karnin,
- Małyszyn,
- Nowy Dwór,
- Chemik,
- Osiedle Chemik,
- Osiedle Dolinki,
- Osiedle Staszica,
- Piaski,
- Siedlice,
- Śródmieście,
- Zakanale,
- Zawarcie,
- Zieleniec
- Jeże,
- Wawrów

Food security - HACCP certificate
Food security is our priority. We are aware that you expect tasty and healty dished and be sure that they are prepared with fresh ingredients/ products.
In order to meet these expectations we have introduced and certified the food security system HACCP and we subject to audits conducted by DEKRA, world's leader in security.